Yossi Moldawsky | Co-Founder & Active Chairman
- Co-Founder & Chairman Explore.Dream.Discover Technology Incubator
- 20 years of vast experience in investing & nurturing Israeli early stage start-ups
- Selected as one of the leading angel investors in Israel
- Board Member, Israel Advanced Technology Industries (IATI)
- Sports-tech expert; weekly appearance Israeli sports channel
- Lecturer and Keynote Speaker at Leading Academic Institutes & events
- Acceptance committee member/Mentor/Judge in numerus start-up programs
- Former Chief Mentor of Tel-Aviv University’s Entrepreneurship Center
- Member of the Managing Board of Israel Friends of Technion Institute
- LLB from Bar Ilan University, MBA from the Technion Institute
Duby Lachovitz | Co-Founder & CEO
- Over 20 years experience in investments, development and nurturing of start-up ventures
- Extensive experience in managing Dynamic & diverse portfolio
- Director in numerous start-ups in various stages
- Co-Founder & CEO Explore.Dream.Discover Technology Incubator (license ended)
- Former Vice Chairman at Israel Early Stage Investors Association
- Mentor in several accelerators and programs
- LLB from Kent University
Maya Bar-On | General Counsel & Portfolio Manager
- Over 14 years of experience in VC investments
- Managing the company’s investment portfolio
- Company’s secretary and adviser to the board of directors
- On going advise on legal and business matters to start-up ventures
- Extended LLB and secondary Computer Science from Bar Ilan University, MBA from the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC)
Liat Zmora | CFO
- 14 years of experience in a public company traded on the TASE in the capital markets field – 6 years as the CEO and prior to that 8 years as the CFO
- Extensive experience in financial management
- BA in Business Administration, specializing in Accounting and an MBA from the College of Management Academic Studies